Parshas Balak – בלק

This weeks parsha has the famous pasuk of ...מה טבו אהליך יעקב Bnei Yisroel are blessed and praised for living modestly. We made tents to represent the "אהליך" - tents…

Parshas Chukas – חקת

In Parshas Chukas Miriam dies. The well, which the benei Yisroel had throughout the 40 years in the desert in her merit, stoped flowing. Hashem commanded Moshe and Aharon to…

Parshas Korach – קרח

Parshas Korach discusses the incident of Korach and his rebellion. Korach together with Dassan, Aviram and On ben Peles gathered a group of people together to rebel against Moshe and…

Parshas Shelach – שלח

The end of Parshas Shelach discusses the mitzvah of tzitzis. We are commanded to add strings to the corners of all four cornered garments which we wear to remind us…

Shavuos 2 – שבועות

Here are a few other desserts we made over shavous. Notice how all of them are different ice-creams as some of the company we are having (not to mention some…

Shavuos – שבועות

On Shavous many people have a minhag (tradition) to eat dairy products as a reminder that when Bnei Yisroel accepted the Torah they were first told how to prepare meat…

Parshas Nasso – נשא

Parshas Nasso reviews the laws of a Nazir - someone who takes upon themselves additional laws and restrictions. Some of these laws include not cutting their hair and not drinking…

Parshas Bamidbar – במדבר

Parshas Bamidbar discusses how Bnei Yisroel camped and traveled while they were in the dessert before they entered Eretz Yisroel. They camped around the Mishkan with 3 shevatim on each…