Parshas Vayechi 2 – ויחי

At the end of his life Yaakov blesses his children. When Yosef brings his sons to be blessed Yaakov crosses his hands so that the older son was on the…

Parshas Vayigash – ויגש

In Parshas Vayigash Yosef sends his brothers back to Eretz Yisroel with food, silver, and clothing. He asks them to tell Yaakov that he is still alive and to bring…

Parshas Mikeitz – מקץ

In Parshas Mikeitz Yosef\'s brothers return to Mitzrayim to buy food. When they leave Yosef places his cup in Binyomins bag so he would be framed for stealing it. We…

Parshas Vayeishev – וישב

Parshas Vayeishev discusses how the shevatim saw that Yosef was the favorite of Yaacov and were jealous of him because of it. They hated him even more when he told…

Parshas Vayeitzei – ויצא

In Parshas Vayeitzei Yaakov travels to Charon in search of a wife. On the way he lays down to rest on the ground and he places stones around his head…

Parshas Vayeira – וירא

In Parshas Vayeira Hashem destroys the region of Sedom and sends malachim to help Lot run away. Lot and some of his family are saved, but are told not to…